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Background Information.
Movement's Purpose.
What the Movement Needs:
What the Men Need:
Men-in-Skirts.org Offers:
Join Us:

Our aim: To draw together men and women from around the world and to use whatever means are available to us to promote skirts as an item of choice for men who want to be comfortable without wearing trousers or shorts.

Background Information:
Men have been dressing up as women, and vice versa, throughout recorded history, but Men-in-Skirts.org is not about cross-dressing. In recent times there has been a resurgence of interest in men being able to wear unbifurcated garments (i.e. one's which have one tube through which to put both legs). Not a single male person in the Hebrew or Christian scriptures wore trousers; the Romans conquered the world wearing togas (super short skirts); Alexander the Great did likewise; the Scots and Irish still wear their kilts (it would be good to rescue this tradition from its current slide in popularity) and skirts of one style or another are common in the Pacific islands, Indonesia, and several other countries. In most jurisdictions there is no legal impediment to a man wearing a skirt, but often there is enormous social pressure (which creates an opportunity for fear of being ridiculed, or of losing the respect of others), coupled with men's ultra-conservative stance on anything different in their wardrobes. If you thought that men in our society don't wear skirts then look again when you see a man with a towel wrapped around his lower half, or wearing a dressing gown.

Movement's Purpose:
We want to be able to help men free themselves from the shackles which prevent them from wearing something which has significant personal health benefits.

What the Movement Needs:
There is a famous saying that "behind every successful man there is a supportive woman." This is very true in the field of men including skirts in their everyday clothing choices. Some of the greatest success stories which can be gleaned from the abundance of groups of men trying to wear skirts publicly, come from men with supportive "significant others" (be they wives, partners, sisters, mothers, other relatives, work colleagues, or just close friends). It takes a man with a great deal of self-confidence to go around publicly wearing skirts (but remaining clearly a man) when there are few others openly doing the same in his part of the world. Supportive women are greatly appreciated.

What the Men Need:
One thing which many forget is that men, who are more used to wearing the same trousers and shoes (changing only shirt, tie and socks), will need guidance in wearing the variety of clothes which true fashion freedom bestows. Put bluntly, men haven't got the years of experience in wearing skirts which women have, and most haven't been trained in the public wearing of such garments, unlike their counterparts of the opposite gender, who are trained from an early age.

Men-in-Skirts.org Offers:
Men-in-Skirts.org wasn't set up to be a discussion board, but as an organisation which can draw together many people and have respected media contacts who will help to promote the ideal of a real choice for men. We will

• promote businesses which make and sell skirts for men, wherever they are in the world;
• provide a men-in-skirts email address to every one who becomes a member of the organisation;
• as and when possible, produce and sell other aids for promoting the concept that men should be freely able to wear skirts.

Join Us:
Come and join us as we work to free western society from the pressure it puts on men to conform in their attire.
